
Hometown: Born and raised in San Jose!
At Testarossa since: May 2021
Why the wine industry? Wine has an interplay between science and psychology which I love.
Favorite meal? Ribeye and artichoke with pesto aioli
Little known fact about you: I worked an event where Snoop Dogg opened up for Lynyrd Skynyrd.
You love: being a mom.
Hidden talent: Karaoke queen!
Favorite wine/varietal: Viognier.

Hometown: Sunnyvale, CA
At Testarossa since: June 2018
Why the wine industry? I have always been fascinated by and passionate about the relationship that wine and food have.
Favorite meal? Soup. All the soup.
You love: My family of course.
Favorite wine/varietal: Outside of Testarossa Pinot & Chardonnay I’m really drawn to Tempranillo and other Spanish reds.
Favorite quote: “Life is a journey to be experienced, not a problem to be solved”, – Winnie The Pooh.

At Testarossa since: 2013
Why the wine industry? Having been in catering for several years, Testarossa provided me an excellent opportunity to improve my knowledge of wine and the wine industry while also allowing me to continue to improve the skills I had learned in the catering industry.
Favorite meal? Beef, chicken, pork preferably grilled in my backyard with a Doctors or Sanford and Benedict Pinot!
You love: My family, BBQ, Dad Jokes, and the Pittsburgh Steelers!
Favorite wine/varietal: I am a big fan of our Doctor’s Pinot Noir and our Sanford and Benedict Pinot Noir. I’m also developing a taste for Cabernet Sauvignon, but I haven’t settled on a favorite yet.
Favorite quote: “Improvise, Adapt, Overcome.” – Clint Eastwood, Heartbreak Ridge.

Hometown: Boulder Creek, CA
At Testarossa since: December 2017
Why the wine industry? I’ve always liked wine tasting and love being able to help create memorable experiences for our guests through our talented staff.
Favorite meal? Anything with lemon on it.
Little known fact about you: I enjoy health and fitness and initially went to school to be a Dietitian.
You love: HGTV and anything houses.
Hidden talent: Crafting.
Favorite wine/varietal: Cabernet Sauvignon.

Hometown: Thomasville, GA & Raleigh, NC
At Testarossa since: October 2022
Why the wine industry? I love how the wine industry is so varied. Learning about the different varietals and the wine making process is fascinating! I love teaching people about wine.
Little known fact about you: Before I moved to CA, I didn’t like CA wines. Before you yell at me, the variety available in other places is not the same as here!
You love: Southern Food! My annual New Year’s Day gathering is when I can introduce friends to some of our traditional delicacies!
Hidden talent: I’m an artist.
Favorite wine/varietal: Pinot Noir.
Favorite quote: “One should only drink wine. Water makes one rust.” – Lucie (Lulu) Tempier Peyraud.

Hometown: Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina
At Testarossa since: October 2022
Why the wine industry? Wine is where art, science, and good times intersect.
Favorite meal? Spider roll.
Little known fact about you: I was a refugee – twice.
You love: Meeting new people, travel.
Hidden talent: Long jump.
Favorite wine/varietal: As long as it’s fruit-forward, I will be happy.
Favorite quote: “Wine is the answer but what was the question?”